Monday 14 December 2015


* algae are chlorophyll bearing organism.
* algae are largely aquatic organism ,both fresh and marine water.
* it has thalloid.
*they are autotrophic
*they occur in variety of habitat i.e. moist stones, soils, and wood.
*some algae lives in association with fungi(lichen) and some are parasitic on animals(e.g.- on sloth bear)
*size of algae are variable, Chlamydomonas is microscopic and unicellular, Volvox is colonial,  Ulothrix and Spirogyra are filamentous form, Kelp forms massive plant body.
*vegetative reproduction is  by fragmentation.
* asexual reproduction is by zoospores,  which is motile.
*sexual reproduction is by fusion of two gametes. they may be isogamous (spirogyra), anisogamous (chlamydomonas) or oogamous( volvox).
* algae fix carbon dioxide by photosynthesis. almost half of the carbon dioxide fix by algae.
* Porphyra, Laminaria and Sargassum are edible marine algae.
*algin( brown algae) and carrageen (red algae) produces hydrocolloids( water holding substance).
*agar is obtained from Gelidium .
is used in ice creams and jellies
*Spirullina and Chlorella are rich in proteins  and it is used by space travellers as food.
*algae are divided into three main classes-


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