Tuesday 15 December 2015


* the sporophylls are aggeregate to form flowers, angiosperm are also called flowering plant.
*the pollen grain and ovule develops in specialised structure called flower.
*the seeds are enclosed by fruits.
*it has wide range of habitat, except sea because only two species are found there ZOSTERA and THALASSIA
*they range in size from tiny ,almost microscopic WOLFIA to tall tree of EUCALYPTUS
* pollination is through several agencies but most prominent is by insects.
*pollen reach stigmatic surface found at the tip of the carpell.
*female gametophyte develops upto 8 nucleate stage.
*archegonia are absent . instead there is one oosphere surrounded by two synergids that attracts and bring the pollen grains.
*there is double fertilization. one produces embryo,or new sporophyte, the other forms primary endosperm cell.
*endosperm is formed through triple fusion and generally triploid.
*fertilized ovules ripen into seeds. the seeds are covered by fruit. a fruit is technically a ripened ovary.
*xylem contains vessels.
*phloem possessses sieve tubes and companion cells.*secondry growth occurs in stem and root of some angiosperm, placed in group dicots.
*angiosperm are divided  into two sub-groups-
   1. dicotyledonous
   2. monocotyledonous

1. dicot-it is characterised by the presence of two cotyledons in seed,
                generally reticulate venation in leaves,
                concentric tissue in the stem with open vascular bundle arranged in a ring,
                penta or tetramerous flowers.
                e.g.- pea, rose, mulsard, eucalyptus etc

2. monocot- it is characterised by the presence of single cotyledons in seed.
                    generally parallel venetion in leaves
                    scattered closed vascular bundle in stem
                    trimerous flower
                    e.g.- banana, cereals, palms,grasses, bamboo etc.

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