Wednesday 30 December 2015


*habitat-they live in fresh water, marine water or moist soil. some are free living some are parasite.
*segmentation-metameric segmentation is found. the ring like grooves  are called annuli,each segment is called metameres. the first segment is called peristomium, and d the last segment is called prostomium.
*germ layers- triploblastic
*level of organization-organ system level
*setae and parapodia-setae are often  present in annelida, in  Nereis  parapodia is found. leaches are its exception.
*body wall- body is covered by cuticle.
*body cavity-schizocoelic coelom
*skeleton- hydrostatic skeleton
*digestive tract is complete.
*respiratory organ-cutaneous respiration , branchial respiration(respiration through gills)
*blood vascular system- it is usually closed type.presence of erythrocruorin.
*excretory system- it consists of nephridia.
*nervous system-it consist of nerve ring, nerve cord , ganglia
*receptors- tactile receptor,gustatoreceptors are usually found.
*sexes- both unisexual and bisexual.
*development- it is mostly direct.
*annelida is classified on the basis of presence and absence of setae-
polychaeta-they have well developed parapodia with numerous setae. e.g.- Nereis
oligochaeta-the body has simple and few setae. e.g.-Pheretima
hirudinea-there are no parapodia or setae. e.g.- leaches

*e.g. of annelida-Nereis,Aphrodite, Sabella, Arenicola,Pheretima, Lumbricus, Tubifex, Hirudinaria etc





*commonly called as round worm
*habitat-most of them are parasite on plant and animals. some are free living in fresh water, marine water or soil.
*body form- body of round worm is cylindrical and elongated. it is called round worm because cross section of this is round. their is no segmentation found.
*symmetry-they show bilateral symmetry.
*germ layers-triploblastic
*level of organization- organ system level
*body wall-it consists of cutical, syncytial epidermis and muscle layer.
*body cavity- pseuducoelomates
*digestive tract is complete
*skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system are absent.
*excretory system- it consists of gland cell or intracellular canal or both.
*nervous system-it consists of circumpharyngeal ring
*sexes-they are unisexual generally. fertilization is internal.
*development-it may be direct or indirect.
*some common name and their scientific name of aschelminthes-
Ascaris- round worm
Ancylostoma-hook worm
Wuchereria- filaria worm
Dracunculus-guinea worm


*they have dorso-ventrally flat body, hence they are called flat worms.
*habitat-they are mostly parasite and few are free-living
*body form-flat body without segmentation
*symmetry-bilateral symmetry.
*germ layer-triploblastic
*level of organization-organ system level of oraganization
*body wall-it is soft and ciliated
*body cavity-they do not  contain coelom,thus they are acoelomate. parenchyma tissue are present in cavity which help intransporting food material
*digestive tract-incomplete digestive tract.
*skeletal,respiratory and circulatory systems are absent
*excretory system- by flame cell
*nervous system-it is ladder like structure and consists of brain and two main longitudinal nerve
*reproductive system-these animals are generally hermaphrodite. the fertilization is always internal. asexual repriduction is by transverse binary fission.
*development- indirect.
*regeneration-well marked in Planaria.
*classification on the basis of mode of life-
*scientific name with their common names of some platyhelminthes-
Dugesia- planaria
Schistosoma- the blood fluke
Fasciola- the liver fluke
Taenia solium-tape worm




*habitat-all are marine
*habits-they are carnivorous and feed on plankton
*body form-they may be rounder, conical, oval or flattened
*symmetry-biradial i.e.-radial+bilateral
*germ layers-diploblastic
*level of organization-tissue level
*appendages-tentacles may or may not be present
*body wall-outer epidermis,inner-gastrodermis and middle-mesogloea. mesoglea is different from coelentrates.
*special adhesive cells are present on epidermis of tentacles called colloblast.
*locomotion-by cilia
*body cavity-they are acoelomates
*digestive tract-it consists of mouth, pharynax or stomodaeum, stomach or infundibulum;anal canal and two anal pores. digestive system is complete. both intra and extracellular digestion occurs.
*skeletal,circulatory, respiratory and excretory system are absent.
*reproduction-by sexual mean
*ctenophora is classified into two classes-
tentaculata-they have tentacles. e.g.-Ctenoplana
nuda-they do not have tentacles. e.g.-Beroe



*habitat-all are aquatic and mostly marine.they are solitary or colonial.
*body form- many coelenterates like obelia is a trimorphic colony having three kind of individuals.
    polyps:-nutritive zooids
    blastostyles:-budding zooids.
*symmetry- radial
*germ layer-diploblastic
*level of organization-tissue level
*body wall- it consists of two layers of cell epidermis and gastrodermis, and the gelatinous layer                              between them is mesoglea.the epidermis consists of many different cell:-
                     epitheliomuscular cell
                     interstitial cell
                     nerve cell
                     sensory cell
*digestive tract-incomplete tract , the body cavity has only one opening
*digestion- both intra and extra cellular digestion
*respiration and excretion- diffusion by body surface.
*nervous system-premitive form of nervous system is found.
*skeleton-in some coelentrates calcareous exoskeleton or endoskeleton is found.
*reproduction-both sexual and asexual reproduction is found.
*development-the cleavage is holoblastic, and both direct and indirect development is found.
*cnidaria are divided into three classes on the basis of dominance of polypoid and medusoid phase.
   1. hydrozoa- polyp and medusae are found
   2. schyphozoa-they are represanted by medusae
   3. anthrozoa- they are represented by polyp form.

*some scientific and common names of coelentrates-
Obelia- sea fur
Physalia-portuguese man of war
Porpita Velella-by the wind sailor
Aurelia- jelly fish
Gorgonia-sea fan
Metridium-sea anemone
Alcyonium-dead man's finger
Tubipora- organ pipecoral
Astraea-star coral
Pennatula-sea pen