Friday 11 December 2015





*commonly known as imperfect fungi.
*deuteromycetes reproduce only by the mean of asexual spore called conidia.
*the mycelium is septate and branched.
*some are saprophytic, some are parasitic and some are decomposers of litter which helps in mineral cycle.
*e.g.- Alternaria, Colletotrichum, Trichoderma.



* mushrooms, bracket fungi and puffballs are common basidiomycetes.
* they grow in soil, on logs, tree stumps and in living plant bodies as parasite.e.g.-rust and smut.
*the mycelium is branched and septate.
*vegetative reproduction by fragmentation is common in this class.
*asexual spore and sexual organ are absent.
*fusion of two different strain of somatic cell cause plasmogamy which give rise to basidium.
*basidium produces four basidiospore by karyogamy and meiosis.
* the basidia are arranged in fruiting bodies called basidiocarps.
*e.g.-Agaricus (mushroom), Ustilago (smut), Puccinia(rust fungus)





*commonly known as sac fungi.
*they may be unicellular-yeast, or multicellular- penicillium.
* they are saprophytic, decomposure,parasitic or coprophilous(growing on dung).
*mycelium is branched and septate.
*asexual spore conidia produced on special mycelium called conidiophores.
*sexual spores are called ascosporeswhich are produced in asci.
*these asci are arranged in different types of fruiting bodies called ascocarps.
*morels and buffles are edible fungi.
*e.g.- Aspergillus, Claviceps, Neurospora






* they are found in aquatic habitats or in decaying wood in moist place or as obligate parasite on plants.
*mycelium is aseptate and coenocytic.
*asexual reproduction by motile zoospore and non-moile aplanospore.
*sexual reproduction takesplace by zygospore,it may be isogamous,anisogamousor oogamous.
*e.g.- Mucor, Rhizopus, Albugo






* Fungus are heterotrophes,they depend on dead and decayed food, hence they are saprophytes. some are parasites, some are symbionts e.g.- Lichen( live in association with algae) and some are mycorrhiza( association with roots of higher plants).
* fungus are cosmopolitan and occur in air, water, soil  and on animals and plants body.
* they prefer to grow in warm and humid area.
* only yeast are unicellular.
*fungus are filamentous.
*their bodies consist of long slender thread like structure called hyphae.
*the cell wall of fungi is composed of chitin and polysaccharides.
* all types of reproduction are seen in fungus, such as
         >vegetative reproduction-by fragmentation , fission, and budding.

         >asexual reproduction-by spore formation called conidia or sporangiospores or zoospores.

         >sexual reproduction-by oospore, ascospore and basidiospore.

*sexual reproduction involves following steps-
         -fusion of protoplasm between two motile and non-motile gametes called plasmogamy.         -fussion of two nuclei called karyogamy.         -meiosis in zygote resulting in haploid spores.

* dikaryon- in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, at the time of fusion the two nuclei comes together and makes dikaryon. this phase is called dikaryophase..
* fungus are divide into various classes, some are-
    1. phycomycetes



*they are heterotrophes and live as predator or parasite.
*they are of four major types:-
1. Amoeboid protozoans- they live in fresh water, marine water, moist soil
                                         they have pseudopodia e.g.- amoeba
                                         they have silica shell on surfacee.g.- entamoeba

2.Flagellated protozoans-they are either free living or parasitic.
                                         they have flagella e.g. - Trypanosoma

3.Ciliated protozoans-they are aquatic and actively moving organism.
                                    they have thousand of cilia. e.g.- paramoecium

4.Sporozoans- this includes diverse organism.
                        Plasmodium is it example which is cause very dangerous disease nemed Malaria.



*they are saprophytes(depend on dead and decay food).
* in favourable condition they aggregate and forms plasmodium.
* in unfavourable condition it forms fruiting body and forms spores, which lasts for several years.



* majority lives in fresh and stagnant water.
*they have protein rich layer called Pellicle, so its body is flexible.
* they don't have cell wall.
*they are autotroph in presence of sun light and heterotroph in absence of sun light.
*pigments of euglenoids are same as in higher plants.
*example ; Euglena



* these are mostly marine
* they are photosynthetic.
*they may be red, green ,blue, brown, yellow etc.
*most of them have two flagella, one is longitudinal and another is transverse.
* Gonyaulax divide rapidly and forms red tides on sea.
* they release toxic substances.

                                                                 RED SEA



*they live in both fresh and marine water.
*they are microscopic and float with water current.
*they are mostly photosynthetic.
*diatoms,golden algae(desmids)   are its examples.
*diatoms have silica cell wall.
* accumulation of silica in its habitat forms diatomaceous earth, which is used as polishing, filtering oil, in syrup.
*diatoms are producers of ocean.



* single cell eukaryotes are placed under this protista,but the limitation of this kingdom is not defined.
* it has well defined nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
*some protista have cilia or flagella.
*they reproduce by both mean i.e. sexually and asexually.
* Chrysophytes, Slime moulds, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates , Protozoans are comes under protista.
