Wednesday 30 December 2015


*commonly called as round worm
*habitat-most of them are parasite on plant and animals. some are free living in fresh water, marine water or soil.
*body form- body of round worm is cylindrical and elongated. it is called round worm because cross section of this is round. their is no segmentation found.
*symmetry-they show bilateral symmetry.
*germ layers-triploblastic
*level of organization- organ system level
*body wall-it consists of cutical, syncytial epidermis and muscle layer.
*body cavity- pseuducoelomates
*digestive tract is complete
*skeletal, respiratory and circulatory system are absent.
*excretory system- it consists of gland cell or intracellular canal or both.
*nervous system-it consists of circumpharyngeal ring
*sexes-they are unisexual generally. fertilization is internal.
*development-it may be direct or indirect.
*some common name and their scientific name of aschelminthes-
Ascaris- round worm
Ancylostoma-hook worm
Wuchereria- filaria worm
Dracunculus-guinea worm

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