Friday 11 December 2015


*they are heterotrophes and live as predator or parasite.
*they are of four major types:-
1. Amoeboid protozoans- they live in fresh water, marine water, moist soil
                                         they have pseudopodia e.g.- amoeba
                                         they have silica shell on surfacee.g.- entamoeba

2.Flagellated protozoans-they are either free living or parasitic.
                                         they have flagella e.g. - Trypanosoma

3.Ciliated protozoans-they are aquatic and actively moving organism.
                                    they have thousand of cilia. e.g.- paramoecium

4.Sporozoans- this includes diverse organism.
                        Plasmodium is it example which is cause very dangerous disease nemed Malaria.


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