Saturday 16 January 2016


* habitat-land, soil, fresh water, sea water and as parasite on animal and plant body.
*body form-body is segmented externally.
*symmetry-bilateral symmetry
*germ layer-triploblastic
*level of organisation-organ system level
*body wall- exoskeleton is formed by cuticle
*body cavity-cavity filled with blood
*digestive tract-complete system , alimentary canal consists of stomodaeum (fore gut), mesenteron (mid gut) and proctodaeum (hind gut)
* blood vascular system- it is of open type.
* respiratory organ-gills or book gills in aquatic forms, tracheae or book tracheae in terresterial forms, in some arthropods exchange of gases also takes place through skin.
*excretory organ-the excretory organ are either green gland or malpighian tubules . in some forms coxal gland are excretory organ.
*nervous system- nerve rings are present.
*sexes-sexes are separate.
*development- it may show metamorphosis.
*various classes of arthropoda are-

  1. Crustacea-Palaemon (prawn), Palinurus( lobester), Lucifer
  2. Chilopoda- Scolopendra
  3. Diplopoda-Julus
  4. Insecta-silver fish, cockroach
  5. Archnida-scorpion, spider, tick
  6. Onychophora-Peripatus
  7. Merostomata-Limulus



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