Monday 29 February 2016


*origin- mesoderm
*muscular tissue is about 30% of total tissue.
*total number of muscles in human body are 639
*muscular tissue also contain small amount of matrix.

Types of muscular tissue-

1. Skeletal muscular tissue.
2. Smooth muscular tissue.
3. Cardiac tissue.

1.Skeletal muscular tissue-

*shape-cylindrical and unbranched
*nucleus-it is multinucleated
*sarcolema-it represent plasma membrane of muscle fibre.
*sarcoplasm-it represent cytoplasmic content of muscle fibre.
*myoglobin-it is red in colour. it is Fe++ containing pigment,it carries oxygen
*dark band and I band are alternately arranged.
*found in hind and fore limbs.
*myofibril- about 1000 in number.

2.Smooth muscular tissue-

*shape-spindle fibre.
*sarcolemma-less developed or absent.
*sarcoplasm-present in very less amount.
*myofibril- very less in number.
*nucleus- single nucleate.
*complete absence on A-band and I- band.
*complete absence of myoglobulin.

3. Cardiac tissue

*shape-cylindrical and branched
*nucleus-multinucleate/ uninucleate.
*presence of well developed sarcolemma.
*presence of sarcoplasm.
*presence of myofibril in between 4 -1000
*alternately arranged A-band and I-band are present.
*presence of myoglobin.
*it is formed by fusion of two adjecent muscles fibre.
*it is found in heart.

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