Sunday, 4 February 2018


Common name- Rana tigrina
Class- amphibia
They can live on land and fresh water both.
They do not have constant body temperature, i.e. it varies with temperature of surrounding.
They are cold blooded or poilkilothermic.
They have ability to change their body temperature according to surrounding.

-Skin of frog is smooth because of presence of mucus.
-Frog never drink water but absorb it through skin.
-Body is divided into head and trunk.
-A pair of nostril present above mouth.
-Eyes are bulged and covered by membrane.
-Tympanum receive sound.
-Fore limb and hind limb helps in swimming, walking and other movement.
-Hind limb has 5 digits and it is larger than fore limbs.
-Fore limb has 4 digits.
-Both sexes can be distinguished easily by the presence of vocal sac and copulatory pad on first digit of fore limbs on male frog and absent in female frog.

-The body of frog consist of organ system level.

-D.S. consist of alimentary canal and digestive glands.
-Mouth opens into buccal cavity,which opens into oesophagus opens into pharynx.
-Oesophagus opens into stomach which in turn continues as  intestine, rectum and finally opens outside by cloaca.
-Liver secretes bile which are stored in gall blader.
-Pancreas produces digestive enzymes.
-Food is captured by bilobed tongue.
-Digestion takes place in stomach by the help of HCL and gastric juice, secreted from the wall of stomach.
-Chyme is further passed to duodenum,where fat is emulsify by bile and protein & carbohydrate is digested by pancreatic juice.
-Final absorption of food is in intestine by the help of villi & microvilli.
-Undigested solid moves to rectum & passes through cloaca.

-In frog both cutaneous respiration and pulmonary respiration can be observed.
-In water, skin acts as respiratory organ and this is called cutaneous respiration.
-On land skin, buccal cavity & lungs act as respiratory organ called pulmonary respiration.

-C.S. is closed type. It has a lymphatic system also.
-Heart has 3 chambers i.e. two artria and one ventrical.
-Sinus venous attached to artrium which receives blood through major vein called vena cava.
-Ventrical opens into conus arteriosus which carries blood from heart to body part.
-Hepatic portal system( connection between liver and kidney) & reanl portal system(connection between kidney and lower part) are found in frog.
-RBC, WBC and platelets are found in blood.

-Frog is ureotelic animal(excretes urea)
-It has well developed excretory system consists of kidney, uterus,cloca and urinary bladder.

-Frog has highly evolved  neural & endocrine neural system.
-Prominent endocrine glands are pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus,pineal body, pancreatic islets,adrenal and gonads.
-The nervous system consists of CNS(brain and spinal cord), PNS(cranial and spinal) and ANS(sympathetic and parasympathetic)
-10 pairs of cranial nerves arising from brain.
-Brain is inclosed in cranium.
-Brain-Fore brain- olfactory lobe,paired cerebral hemisphere & single diencephalone.
           Mid brain-optic lobes
           Hind brain-cerebellum & medulla oblongata.

-Frog has different types of sense organ- touch organ, taste bud, smell epithelium, eyes and hearing organ.
-Eye and internal ear are well developed rest are cellular aggregation

-Well organised reproductive system can be seen in male and female frog.
-A pair of testes  is found in male frog and sperm, urine and faecal matter are communicated through urinogenital tract.
-Female reproductive organ includes a pair of ovaries.
-A pair of oviduct arise from ovary and open separately in cloaca.
a mature female can lay 2500 -3000 ova at a time.
-Fertilization is external and takes place in water.
development involves larval stage called tadpole.
-Tadpole undergoes metamorphosis to form the adult.

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