Monday 14 December 2015


R.H.Whittaker(1969) classified all organism in five kingdom in which Plantae is on of them.
plants are kept under another kingdom in which many classification has done on the basis of external structure, habitat, colour etc. but these all were artificial system of classification given by Linnaeus.
 after Linnaeus, Bentham & Hooker (GEORGE BENTHAM AND JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER) proposed phylogenetic classification system. this system is based on  numerical taxonomy, cytotaxonomy and chemotaxonomy.
numerical taxonomy is now a days an easier method to to collect all observable character  in computer.
 -cytotaxonomy is based on cytological information like chromosome number,structure and behaviour.
 -chemotaxonomy uses the chemical constituents of the plant to resolv confusions.

This kingdom has several categories:-
1. algae
2. bryophytes
3. pteridophytes
4. gymnosperms
5. angiosperms

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